How does Battiayos "Buy 1 - We Give 2" work?

It is easy! Buy a bracelet and do good!

For each bracelet you buy until the 15.02.21, we will donate 2 Euros. The money will be used to support three different initiatives in Nepal: Education programs for women, education programs for children and safe water for children in schools. If you wish your donation to go to a particular cause mentioned, send us a message. You can find all the beads bracelets here

In addition, your purchase will help support and keep afloat our network of women’s groups, artisans, home-based workers, and our own team of women in Nepal who are all part of the creation of Battiayo products.

We believe that everyone should be safe and have an equal access to chances and opportunities, no matter where you are born, your gender or your ethnic group. Therefore, we will keep on donating to education programs, and support individual women who do not and did not have constant access to education during their childhood and for safer water in schools. Thanks for supporting us, in order that we can support others in our Nepali network. 

We will update you in January through our social media and website to show the impact your donations have had on the projects. 

If you have any further questions regarding this topic, please contact us

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